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Showing posts with label Blackberry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blackberry. Show all posts

Blackberry 9700 Camera Solution 100% Tested

Blackberry 9700 Camera Solution 100% Tested This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized...
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‘Nuked’ Blackberry = Cuman Nyala Led Merah Kedip2

Paling JENGKEL kl BB saya kayak gini   Cuman Nyala Led Merah Kedip2 Gejala: - Handphone nge-blank … alias layar tetap mati - Lampu Led Mati...
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Blackberry 9000 red light Solution Tested

Blackberry 9000 red light Solution Tested THE BiGGesT Problem In BOLD 9000 red Light Blinking and phone not responce i Have Done Few handse...
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Firmware Blackberry

download firmware BB
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Tips BB Ga Bisa Terima Bluetooth

Cuma sekedar Tips buat yg blom tau.... BB kadang manja kirim file via Bluetooh bisa dikirimin nolak....ini Tips nya saya ambil contoh hape 6...
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Cara menambahkan Bahasa Indonesia pada ponsel BlackBerry

C ara menambahkan Bahasa Indonesia pada ponsel BlackBerry tanpa flashing. tidaklah terlalu beresiko. tapi lebih baik sedia hujan sebelum pay...
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Check Pin BB

Hati-hati beli Blackberry di Indonesia karena banyak masalah dengan kasus PENCURIAN “curi” PIN Blackberry yang disebutkan Pin Cloning dan ju...
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Tips N' Trick BlackBerry

- Saat mengetik (email, bbm. etc) trus ingin menampilkan tanggal  hari sekarang? ketik LD (london delta) lalu tekan space - Memisahkan SMS d...
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Tips mempercepat kinerja browser

Sering kali Browser kita lemot alias lambat untuk membuka content link yang kita pilih. Berikut adalah tips  tricks agar browser kita bisa l...
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Tips menghemat Batere BlackBerry

Petunjuk untuk Menghemat Daya Baterai Mengisi Daya o Isi daya smartphone BlackBerry® Anda sebanyak mungkin o Gunakan pengisi daya dinding se...
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Tips cara mengaktifkan shortcuts di Blackberry

Untuk memudahkan kita untuk masuk\membuka satu aplikasi didalam  kita Dengan cepat , kita gunakan fungsi shortcuts di BlackBerry® Adapun c...
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Reset BlackBerry

How to reset your BlackBerry           Do not be confused once when you are experiencing any blackberry configuration, try restore default s...
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How to track lost Blackberry

3 Ways to lose weight in anticipation, with GPS TRACKING and locking ... There are several ways of tracking the missing BB ... 1. GOOGLE MA...
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How to enter Unlock Code on the BlackBerry® Storm™ 9550 phone

BLHow to enter Unlock Code on the BlackBerry detaild guide for you. 1. Insert any sim card
 2. Turn off all of the wireless connections
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