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General Informations regarding CID, CDA, COLOR, GDFS, A2 etc

Posted by Agung Restama On 0 comments

This "number" defines the version of SE's protection present in the phone.New CIDs are deployed from time to time, for the sole reason of preventing them from beeing unlocked/flashed/tampered with by non-SE service tools. Current CIDs in use by SE are 29/36/37/49. SE-based LG/Sharp phones use the same system (but different versions). The OTP (One Time Programmable memory) and EROM of a phone might be protected by different CIDs, usually the case in newer K600s/K608s.

This "number" defines which variant of a specific firmware a phone is supposed to have.It lets among others SEUS (Sony Ericsson Update Service) know which language-pack/branding/bandlocks a phone is to be flashed with. A generic (unbranded) K750 for use in Scandinavia will be CDA102337/12, whilst a Telenor-branded K750 will be CDA102338/62. Both will be flashed with the same languages/dictionaries, but the latter will be flashed with Telenor-branded firmware.

This "color" defines what kind of phone we are dealing with.BLUE phones has been assembled at the factory, but never been programmed with software/GDFS/IMEI (remember kids: the IMEI is stored in the OTP (One Time Programmable memory))BROWN phones are "developer phones", for testing. Less restrictions are present, as these are used for "debugging/beta" purposes. As of CID36, a phone has to be converted to BROWN to unlock it.RED phones are your typical retail ones.


This is the phones "stash", where all settings and calibration data is stored (this also goes for the firmwares IMEI-resource as well as the SIMlocks). Similar to other brands use of NVRAM (Non-Viotile Random Access Memory).

International Mobile Equipment Identity.A 15-digit number which includes information on the origin, model, and serial number of the device. The model and origin comprise the initial 8-digit portion of the IMEI, known as the "Type Allocation Code/TAC". The remainder of the IMEI is manufacturer-defined, with a "Luhn check digit" at the end (which is never transmitted). The "Luhn check digit" is calculated from the rest of the IMEI.
It should be noted that in SE-based phones, the IMEI is stored in two places, the OTP (One Time Programmable memory) and GDFS. The GDFS IMEI is normally read from the OTP, but this can be circumvented by SETool function to "change" the IMEI. This patches the firmware into allowing different OTP/GDFS IMEIs. It is the GDFS IMEI that is reported to the network, so changing this will "de-bar" blocked phones. SEUS is not fooled by this, on the other hand, and it should also be noted that doing this is illegal in most countries.

Service software/solution by SE themselves. Protected by the EMMA smartcard to prevent non-licensed usage. Current version is EMMA3, though EMMA2 is still alive (but kinda useless on newer phones). The EMMA smartcard contains an algorithm that allows EMMA to communicate directly to/with the phones CID, so performing operations the way they were intended. The smartcard and its algorithm has not been cracked. Current EMMA access levels exists:Service Update - Can't unlock phones.Service Update Pro - Can't unlock phones.Network Operator - Can't unlock phones (but sure as hell can lock them ).Service Center Std - Can't unlock phones.Service Center Rc - Can unlock phones, as they have a special version of the smartcard with a CSCA key.Research & Development - Can unlock phones, as they have a special version of the smartcard with a CSCA key.

DB2000, DB2010, DB2020, DB2030 :

SEMC (Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications) hardware platforms. 
It's something similar to chipset in PC.DB2000 (another name is Marita) is a GSM+3G(UMTS) capable platform, SE K600/K608/V600/Z800/W900, Sharp 802sh, 902sh, 903sh and LG 3G phones are based on it.DB2010/2012 (Marita compact) is GSM-only, non-3G, platform. Most not very old and modern SE phones like K300,K500,K700,K750,S700,W300,W550,W800,Z520,Z530 are based on this chipset.DB2020 is the newest product of SEMC. K800, K790, K610, Z710 etc, Sharp 904sh feature this most secure (from SE's point of view) platform.
db2030 is 3G platform, new platform device sonyericsson like W880 & W888

A2: * Secure boot ROM is used on the access and application side to guarantee the integrity of software at startup. This includes code on all volatile and non-volatile storage. The secure ROM functions can also be used to verify integrity at run-time.
The Real truth story about A2 Platform device


CID ialah: berupa angka yang merupakan proteksi dari ponsel SonyEricsson. CID versi baru dari setiap waktu ke waktu, untuk menghindari membuka kunci operators/flash dari alat2 servis software yang bukan dari SonyEricsson Resmi. Dimana CID yang telah direlease oleh pihak SonyEricsson ialah: 29/36/37/49/50/51/52. Ponsel SE-based LG/Sharp menggunakan sistem yang sama(tapi beda versi). OTP (One Time Programmable memory) dan EROM juga diproteksi dengan CID-CID yang berbeda, contohnya ialah ponsel K600s/K608s.

CDA ialah: berupa versi-versi firmware pada setiap ponsel SonyEricsson yang biasa kita sering mengupgrade dan mendowngrade firmware sonyericsson tersebut. SonyEricsson juga dapat mengupdate sendiri dengansoftware bawaan resmi sonyericsson yaitu SEUS (Sony Ericsson Update Service) dan menggunakan kabel dcu-60 atau melalui koneksi GPRS dimana akan muncul pilihan menu tersebut berupa lang-pack(bahasa)/branding/bandlocks. Generik (unbranded) pada ponsel K750 yg dipakai di negara Scandinavia seharusnya ialah CDA102337/12, sedangkan ponsel K750 Telenor-branded seharusnya ialah CDA102338/62. Kedua-duanya dapat diprogram ulang dengan bahasa/kamus yang sama ataupun yang berbeda.

BLUE/BROWN/RED: Warna tersebut menentukan suatu produk ponsel SonyEricsson tersebut dari suatu pabrik, pengembang dll. ponsel yang berwarna biru/blue pada saat kita mengidentify ponsel melalui setool2 box ialah merupakan pabrikan sonyericsson yang telah di asembling, tapi jangan pernah program ulang/GDFS/IMEI (hati-hati IMEI tersebut tersimpan di OTP (One Time Programmable memory), Warna Coklat/Brown ialah "ponsel pengembang" artinya dari pihak SonyEricsson hanya melakukan percobaan, proteksi yang dilakukan tersebut juga tidak terproteksi dengan sempurna, contohnya ponsel CID36 harus mesti di konversi dulu ke brown/coklat untuk membuka operators dll, dan Warna merah/red merupakan produk retail.


GDFS: gdfs ialah, dimana semua informasi tersimpan didalam memori ponsel, baik itu IMEI, customize, dan pengaturan. IMEI juga berlaku untuk sebagai simlock data seperti pada ponsel nokia IMEI RPL.


IMEI : imei ialah, International Mobile Equipment Identity/Perangkat lunak Identitas Ponsel Internasional yang berupa 15 digit angka numerik, dimana imei tersebut juga tersimpan 2 tempat yang satu OTP dan terakhir GDFS, penggantian IMEI adalah illegal so jangan sampai kena ama aparat aja.


EMMA: emma berupa alat & perangkat lunak software yang biasa digunakan oleh pihak sonyericsson servis center versi emma perangkat lunak tersebut saat ini adalah versi emma3, kegunaan alat & perangkat lunak dari emma tersebut ialah: " anda dapat memprogram ulang, mengunci operator gsm, dan tidak dapat membuka operator gsm". EMMA & kunci CSCA dapat digandengkan maka kita dapat membuka operator gsm untuk semua versi cid.

DB2000, DB2010, DB2020, DB2030 :
- DB2000 (namanya Marita) yaitu GSM+3G(UMTS) yang berkompatibel dengan sejenisnya contoh: SE K600/K608/V600/Z800/W900, Sharp 802sh, 902sh, 903sh and LG 3G phones.

- DB2010/2012 (Marita compact) yaitu hanya GSM, yang bukan jaringan 3G contohnya ialah:K300,K500,K700,K750,S700,W300,W550,W800,Z520,Z530.

- DB2020 yaitu merupakan produk baru dari SEMC contohnya ialah: K800, K790, K610, Z710 etc, Sharp tipe 904sh merupakan sekuriti yang sangat sulit ditembus.

- DB2030 yaitu platform yang mendukung 3G sonyericsson contohnya ialah: W880 dan W888


A2: A2 ialah sekuriti baru sonyericsson mobile phone, ponsel yang mempunyai sekuriti baru memiliki sekuriti tanda tangan digital dari pihak sonyericsson itu sendiri, maka kedepannya ponsel yang telah support A2 makin sulit di buka baik itu program ulang, unlock patch (patch artinya tidak permanen buka operator)(tolong dikoreksi kalau salah master2). Sedangkan ponsel2 yang ber CID52 pada akan datang telah support patch unlock dengan kata lain udah gratis tidak memerlukan login ke setool, gti dll.
Cerita sebenarnya tentang platform A2

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